The Travel Update
Hi everybody! Today we have a content update, adding more variation to a bunch of travel buildings which have had fairly limited options up until now.
New in this update:
- Three new flight point variants! That brings us up from 2 to 5!
- Three new vehicle variants! Bringing us from 5 to 8!
- Three new teleporter variants! Bringing us from 6 to 9!
Note, of course, that for each of these technologies (flight points, vehicle depots, and teleporters) you’ll need to have unlocked those technologies in-game before you’ll be able to access these new models and animations.
Also in this update!
- Minor model fixes to a couple existing teleporter models (for example, one of them accidentally had visible interaction pads, that sort of thing)
- Lots of improvements to make terrain editing more responsive.
- Fixed an issue with the ‘icy’ terrain type, which was causing its terrain shape to be randomised each time it was loaded. This could result in carefully arranged scenery items in icy areas being jostled vertically after each load, or monsters being briefly floating or sunken under the ground. These things shouldn’t happen any more after this build!
…and also a frankly astonishing number of minor bug fixes and general polish improvements to various editing tools!